Standard Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
If you've inherited an antique sewing machine, how can you identify the model and the mystery parts left in its drawers? From the serial number, 132784, the machine was made 2/26/1906 in Cleveland Ohio. This full fitting is on a model with a fuller seat and thighs than the standard commercial pattern. Sound drivers for windows 7. Finish an Edge with a Triple.
NeedleBar Original Main Site Welcome to the NeedleBar Original Web Site Archive! The NeedleBar was an international group of enthusiastic collectors of antique and vintage (1829 to 1960) sewing machines, who also had an interest in researching the history of these fascinating items, their inventors and their makers.
Standard Sewing Machine Parts
Standard Rotary Sewing Machine
As the site owner I have been online freely sharing and maintaining information about this fascinating subject for 18 years since 1995. The NeedleBar Museum has been online since 2000, the latest incarnation of my web site resources. The pages on this, the original NeedleBar site contain the results of some of the earlier research projects undertaken, and information collected by, NeedleBar members. Alan Quinn NeedleBar Museum Owner NEEDLEBAR ORIGINAL MAIN SITE ARCHIVE INDEX Articles about British Sewing Machines: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles about Australian Sewing machines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles about Swiss Sewing machines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles about German Sewing Machines: Guide to German Transverse Shuttle Machines: Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - SINGER STUFF Identifying Singer Machines: Detailed Identification Guides: Other Singer Information: Articles about Singer Machines: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles about American Machines.